Sunday, July 19, 2015


什么是Airbnb ?

Airbnb 是一個提供民宿网站,全世界的房东都会把空出来的房放上网站,提供住宿給全世界的旅客,近几年旅客们都比较喜欢體驗當地的文化和生活,所以住飯店不如住民宿,假裝過一下當地人的日常生活。

這次的東京之旅原本想住酒店,可是东京的酒店实在不便宜,两个人的房间平均都要马币300以上,当然不同地区又不同价钱。当我发现了Airbnb这个网站,才知道原来还有这么多选择,而且大部分都是很有特色的日本套房民宿,还有廚房可以烹飪,水準不输酒店且价钱比酒店便宜。如果你只需要一个房间,你也可以寻找一些只是分租自己的空房間給旅客的房东,就有機會与他們一起相处一起生活 ,也可趁机了解當地人的文化,這也不失為一個很好的方式!


不要怀疑!以下照片就是我的东京之旅超值得套房民宿 Sogi House ,八天的住宿只需要大概马币2100还包括清洁费,套房里的一切设施都可使用。


这台电视机陪伴了我们每晚宵夜的时刻,才发现日本有好多好多好看的卡通哦!搞到我每晚都追着看 =P


不过,最最最重要又很开心的是房东还提供 Pocket Wifi !要知道,在日本要购买网络sim card或租Pocket wifi 都不便宜,这样又省一笔了!

再来,房东通常也不介意分享給你一點生活中的小资源例如洗发精,沐浴乳,吹風机,諸如此类,對旅客來說真的在生活层面方便不少 !


不过,个人建议一定一定要看Airbnb房东评价!! 有些房間照片看起來很好,但实际住進去並不是那麼回事,所以一定要看評价,除非他是新的,不然我應該不會選那些没有评价的,如果你看到大部份都給好评,那应该就是好房间和好房东,話不多說,就赶快訂下來吧! 光是Airbnb上面的房間展示,就已足夠让愛旅行的人愛上這個网站,尤其是喜欢自由行的旅客,請您們一定要試試Airbnb這种新的住宿方式,我真心的觉得比去住酒店好多了,但請注意有些房間不接受短期住宿,例如一晚或兩晚,另外房客也要累积很多优良的评价,也给下一家房东好印象,原因是有些超熱門的住宿房东还会挑客人喔!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Babyfoot Exfoliating Foot Peel Review

Do you have dry, cracked, rough or foot odour? I had the chance to try out Baby Foot which promises to soften your soles and take your feet back to their baby smooth beginnings . Baby Foot is an exfoliating foot peel that is wildly popular in Japan. Did you know that some of us can have up to 80 layers of accumulated dead skin on our feet? Regular pedicures will not be able to guarantee that the dead skin layers are effectively removed.

This product contains 17 different natural extracts, mainly fruit acids that target dead skin cells.

Each box contains a one-time-use gel pack and 3 packs of lotion. First, place foot in the provided plastic pack. Secure the opening with tape and place socks over gel packs for one hour. This allows your skin to absorb the gel. If you really want to enhance the results, wear some regular socks on top of the sock packs.

You won't see a difference in the first 2 to 4 days as many other reviews I've read claim that you will not see any changes until the fourth or fifth day after the peel. I did notice my feet feeling a little dry and rubbery immediately after the first few treatments though. Here are the progress throughout the next few days.

Day 2 :

Day 3:

Day 4:

Starting around day 5 after your treatment, your dead skin will begin to peel away from your feet and it will continue on its own until the dead skin on your feet sheds itself off. I look forward to seeing what would happen tomorrow.

Day 6: Baby Foot’s advised users not to peel the dead skin off your feet but I can tell you that it’s very tempting.

Day 7:

Day 8 & 9 

I wasn't photographing my progress on day 8 & 9 due to the peeling process really look disgusting.

Day 10:
I could feel the skin peeling off my feet had really slowed down . My feet were softer and I was pretty happy with the results.  I took the below photos without lotion or moisturiser. My feet have stayed soft and pink! I would definitely use this again if my feet returned to their dry state again.

Do not forget to apply lotion after the peeling has been completed.

This product is not recommended for who are diabetic, pregnant or nursing, and anyone have open sores or other foot injuries.